Across Canada, including in New Brunswick, the emergency phone number is 911.

If you experience or witness a life-threatening emergency—such as a medical issue, fire, or crime—call 911 immediately. A specially-trained operator will speak with you. Stay on the line long enough for the operator to get all the information they need to help you. The operator will confirm your phone number and your precise location (or the location of the emergency). Then, they will dispatch the services you need—such as police, fire fighters, ambulance, or connection to your local poison control centre.
There is no fee for police or fire emergencies. In the case of medical emergencies, an ambulance will be dispatched with two paramedics. There is no fee for the ambulance to come to your home and assess a medical situation, but if you are taken to the hospital in the ambulance, you will be billed $130.60. If you have health questions, or you are not in an emergency situation, call Telecare 811, or drive/taxi to the hospital.