In the Saint John Region, there are a number of organizations dedicated to helping newcomers get settled in their new community and country.

Saint John Newcomers Centre
At the Saint John Newcomers Centre settlement advisors guide individuals and families through the process of creating a settlement plan. Each customized plan is built according to the newcomer’s specific needs and immigration status. Their advisors will also recommend attending one of the Centre’s many programs and events that connect newcomers to the local community and foster positive integration into their new home. Services are offered in both English and French.
Programs and events include:
- Settlement supports
- French and English language conversation groups
- Orientation to living in the Saint John Region
- Information sessions on community services
- Networking opportunities
- Volunteer opportunities
- Family-friendly social events
- Free tax clinic
- Employment supports
- Translation supports
- Accreditation recognition program
- Cultural Competency Training
- Settlement plans (AIP)
- Legal support
- Francophone exploratory visits
- Business stream exploratory visits
- Community connections
- Youth camps
YMCA Newcomer Connections
YMCA Newcomer Connections offers a variety of services including:
- General information and orientation sessions
- Language programs
- Canada school
- Interpretation support
- Health support
- Employment support
- Youth support
- Settlement and resettlement assistance services, including AIP
- Cultural competency training
- Atlantic Immigrant Career Loan Fund program
PRUDE INC (Pride of Race, Unity, and Dignity through Education)
PRUDE Inc. is dedicated to the full participation of all cultural communities in the social, cultural, and economic fabric of mainstream New Brunswick life. The organization values cultural diversity, and works to sustain an environment of diversity, equality, respect, and inclusiveness through its programs. PRUDE Inc.'s services focus on:
- community connections designed to welcome landed immigrants with the Canadian Way programs and workshops
- community outreach to bridge cultural diversity through anti-racism programs and training
- in-school education to enrich our regional cultures