You must register children for school the year they turn five years old. If your child’s birthday is after September 1st you may choose to have them begin the following year. In order to register your child, they must have a legal document showing their date of birth, a document with proof of address, and proof of immunizations against certain diseases. School attendance is compulsory until the completion of high school or the age of 18.

English or French
If your children were not born in Canada, or they were born in Canada but their native language is not English or French, you can choose either the Anglophone or Francophone school system.
- More information about the Anglophone South School District (ASD-S)
- More information about the District Scolaire Francophone Sud (DSFS)
Integration support
If you are concerned about your child’s ability to integrate into a new school, or if you’d like to be sure that they integrate well, support is available. Specialized services are available, but they vary depending on the school.
School supplies
School supplies required vary depending on the grade. Usually the school purchases the necessary school supplies on behalf of students, and parents will be asked to pay a school fee of about $40 to cover the costs.
School lunches
Public schools in the Saint John Region do not provide free-of-charge meals or snack to children. Lunches are a parent’s responsibility. You can choose to provide children with home-cooked meals, or you can buy lunches at your school’s cafeteria. The main rule for lunches for school is that nuts are forbidden due to possible allergic reactions.
Depending on where you live, your child may either walk to school, or take a school bus. School bus service is provided by the school district at no cost. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children to and from school bus stops.
Communication with school
Your child’s teacher will maintain regular contact with you over the course of the school year. They usually do this by email and by leaving notes in students’ backpacks. The school will also schedule regular one-on-one meetings with you, either by video call or in person.